Finally Fiber offers high speed internet at a very affordable cost, probably less then what you are currently paying. Our internet service is symmetrical, meaning our speeds are the same for download AND upload.
Finally Fiber offers 3 different speed levels
- Tier 1 100mbps*
- Tier 2 300mbps*
- Tier 3 1000mbps*
Hence our motto "Full Stream Ahead"
We can offer your property bulk options as well as individual accounts**.
Why wait for a company that say's "they might have gigabyte internet available someday" Finally Fiber offers gigabyte internet NOW!
*actual speeds are dependent on customers equipment capabilities and external factors
**requires a minimum amount of subscribers based on property size
Finally Fiber is a full service and licensed Directv provider. We offer bulk packages as well as individual account options. No matter your viewing needs we have the right equipment and packages for you. Our Directv systems utilize just one dish per building, so no more unsitely dishes all over the property.